A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout

angusww wants to join

Post 1


u: U1982681

angusww wants to join

Post 2

Speller - If I can help somebody...

Hi angusware - It is usually suggested that you should spend some time commenting on entries in Peer Review - It's good to see that you have started writing entries - if you think any of these are ready for Peer Review try entering one of them to try PR from other side - taking the comments!

My best suggestion is to make good supportive comments on any PR threads that interest you and get yourself noticed some more!

Hope that helps with progressing you on into H2G2! smiley - winkeye

Speller smiley - dog

angusww wants to join

Post 3


thanks, i've submitted two for PR and commented on some too. how long will positions in this part of the thing be open?

angusww wants to join

Post 4

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

As far as I know, there are no positions open right now. They usually come along when a Scout decides to leave, and the vacancy is filled on a first come first served basis, so if there are others ahead of you in the queue of people who have applied to be a Scout, they will become Scouts first. In the meantime you should watch what goes on in Peer Review, learn how it works, find out about the guidelines and English usage for edited entries, and make the occasional comment on entries in PR.

angusww wants to join

Post 5


Hello anguswww!

[By the way, thanks for that advice for anguswww, BH - absolutely spot on.] We're not actively recruiting any more Scouts at this moment in time, but we'll certainly note your interest when we come to reopen recruitment.

In the meantime, we're always very VERY happy to see keen members of the community like yourself taking an active role in our Peer Review Forum. You don't need to be a Scout, a Sub-Editor or part of any of our official volunteer schemes to take part in Peer Review, but the comments that our community make in PR are essential to the successful running of the site. So if you do have any spare time, we'd love to see you in Peer Review, reading and contributing to the discussion threads attached to each of the new entries listed there.

Many thanks once again, and hopefully we'll be in touch when we reopen recruitment for this scheme sometime in the future!


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