A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout

six7s - U192113

Post 1


After four years, I feel it's time to volunteer for something 'official' around here...

I quite like being a part of PR and think that I can recognise high-quality writing, even if I don't produce much of it myself, so I suspect Scouting is something I could do well


six7s - U192113

Post 2


I am willing to nominate you for that. You can still wire money here right?

six7s - U192113

Post 3


Kia ora th'noo!

Long time! Where have you been hiding?

Wire money? Sure can, just email me your credit card number and password smiley - biggrin

six7s - U192113

Post 4

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Secondedsmiley - ok

six7s - U192113

Post 5


Thank you!

I have been a scout before, and a cub... Dib, dib, dib! smiley - biggrin

Curiously, although A4888506 is part of a whole project on Guides, it's link to Scouting is external... is there a gap there?

six7s - U192113

Post 6

Smij - Formerly Jimster

I seem to remember returning Scouts tend to just get accepted back. SO, um, welcome back! smiley - biggrin

six7s - U192113

Post 7



So... does this mean I have to polish my shoes?

Do I return to loitering on street corners waiting to help little old ladies (whether or not they want to) cross the road? smiley - silly

six7s - U192113

Post 8

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

No, but I will polish your new badge!smiley - biggrin

smiley - run

six7s - U192113

Post 9


And now it's arrived... all shiny smiley - ok

six7s - U192113

Post 10

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

smiley - biggrin

I take pride in my worksmiley - biggrin

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