A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout
Liet Kynes 194064
Researcher 194064 Started conversation Jun 28, 2006
I recently graduated with my Masters in Environmental Science. I would like to contribute to the guide as much as I can now because I have a little more free time. I would very much like to be a scout.
Liet Kynes 194064
Smij - Formerly Jimster Posted Jul 3, 2006
Hi Liet and thanks for volunteering.
The only stipulation we make for Scouting is that Scouts need to have contributed to the Edited Guide. There are loads of people who can help you get your own work into the Edited Guide - have a look at the <./>writing-guidelines</.> for tips, and the <./>ChallengeH2G2</.> page for ideas
Liet Kynes 194064
Researcher 194064 Posted Jul 4, 2006
Ok thanks, I just sumitted my first entry and now I am working on another one.
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Liet Kynes 194064
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