A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout
Freestmind [Researcher: 2719993]
Freestmind Started conversation Dec 13, 2005
I would be happy to be considered for a scout position in the future. Thank you.
Freestmind [Researcher: 2719993]
Paully Posted Dec 13, 2005
Hi Freestmind!
Thanks very much for volunteering to become an h2g2 Scout. I noticed that you've only recently joined the site, so we do normally suggest that anybody who wants to be considered as a potential Scout spend some time in http://www.bbc.co.uk/dna/h2g2/brunel/PeerReview . By adding your comments and suggestions to the articles that other people are currently writing, we'll get a good idea of who you are, and you'll get a good idea of the kind of entry that we like our Scouts to pick.
So pop over to peer review, join in the discussions, and then feel free to get back in touch with us once again once you feel you've got the hang of things!
Freestmind [Researcher: 2719993]
Freestmind Posted Dec 13, 2005
Thanks, Paully, I'll do that.
By the way, I've already submitted a contribution to that forum, and I'd appreciate it if you checked it out.
Thanks again, ~f
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Freestmind [Researcher: 2719993]
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