A Conversation for Volunteer to be a Scout
Bobbbyjoe656 wants to be a scout
Knowledge is power! (I'm feeling quite powerless!) Started conversation Sep 25, 2005
THroughout my time on H2, I've always wanted to help out.
Can I be a scout?
Bobbbyjoe656 wants to be a scout
There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho Posted Sep 25, 2005
Have you spent any time in Peer Review making comments and helping out? That gives the Editors an idea of your credentials when it comes to choosing people to be Scouts. Writing an introduction your Personal Space is always a plus too.
Bobbbyjoe656 wants to be a scout
Paully Posted Nov 2, 2005
Hi Knowledge is Power / Bobbbyjoe656!
We're not actively recruiting any more Scouts at this moment in time, but we'll certainly note your interest when we come to reopen recruitment.
In the meantime, we're always very VERY happy to see keen members of the community like yourself taking an active role in our Peer Review Forum. You don't need to be a Scout, a Sub-Editor or part of any of our official volunteer schemes to take part in Peer Review, but the comments that our community make in PR are essential to the successful running of the site. So if you do have any spare time, we'd love to see you in Peer Review, reading and contributing to the discussion threads attached to each of the new entries listed there.
Many thanks once again, and hopefully we'll be in touch when we reopen recruitment for this scheme sometime in the future!
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Bobbbyjoe656 wants to be a scout
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