The Philosophy of Zen Dudism

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Zen Dudism is a philosophy based on the interconnectedness of everything in the universe and the brotherhood of all living things. The dudist maninfests this brotherhood by referring to everyone and everything as "dude." The dudist is no respecter of persons -- acidhead and bank president, no matter his position in society is "just some dude." Neither is it a sexist movement; a chick can be a dude. A babe can also be a dude, but she must work a little harder at the task.

The word "dude" is one of the most multifaceted in the language. It holds a range of expression unmatched by even the most overused profanities:

"Dude!!!" (translation: Greetings friend, I am excited to see you again.)
"Dude?!?" (Where have you been? I had almost begun to worry that you would not make it.)
"[sigh] Dude." (You would not believe the obsticles that I encountered on my journey.)
"Ack, Dude!" (This has become a pattern for you. I feel that you may be making excuses for your seeming inability to arrive on time.)
"DUDE!?!" (I am hurt that you would accuse me of doing such a thing.)
"Duuuudddeee..." (Your defensiveness seems to betray you my friend, I wish that you would own up to your responsibilities.)
"Dude..." (You are being uncharitable to act as though I would do such a thing on purpose.)
"Dude-" (As you wish. It serves no purpose for us to argue the point further.)

[and so on...]

As a movement, dudists are aggresively laid-back. Partly because of the knowledge that we are all one in the eyes of our creator (sometimes referred to as "The Dude Upstairs"), partly because most dudists indulge in massive quantities of illicit substances. Perhaps the dudist philosophy can be best summed up in the statement made by president Abraham Lincoln in the philosophical treatise Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, "Be excellent to one another dudes!"

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