Wind & Kitesurfing, Poole Bay, England

3 Conversations

Poole Bay, one of the South Coasts' Mecca’s for both Wind and Kite surfing.
Where are the best spots?
Just learning? Try Poole Harbour with tides twice a day, a great place to practice those manovers in water that at best only comes up to your chest. (Except the deep dredged channels.) Kite surfers usually congregate in Kite corner (opposite the pub.) For Tides and weather check BBC weather site.
Able to sail to a good standard? Depending on wind direction try Sandbanks main car park with direct sea access or Branksome Chine car park with direct sea access. You will need to be able to get past the shore break. The waves can be reasonable on a good day.

Enjoy, be nice to the locals!!

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