The Audacity! how dare The universe Evolve?!

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"F&*k the damn Creationists, i say it with Authority
"'Cos kicking their punk a^^es is my Paramount Priority."
--Unknown Stephen Hawking spoofster.
of course one part of navigation through unfamilar terrain will remain those familiar with it ven and perhaps especially if you are blood seeking insects looking for a juicy vein to suck. 'Oh, Buzz, darling ask if there is something ventricular for us?"

The Urantia Book has been considered by esotericians and rational observers (meaning non cultistst and those who can get throug life without phamaceutical medications of a certain stigmatized sort) as a mindblowing waste of time and also the explanation of things some - make that most -- people have never ever ever ever ever wanted to ever think -

pardon me. There was so much hyperbole i forgot -- Oh, yes, the Urantia Book.

Well if you are desirous to maintain your standing ignorance about the nature of the experience of life on this planet and in this section of heaven, this local protin of sky, you are advised, in the name of just about about any God or Gods you can think of, to avoid the Urantia book at all costs 'cos it will educate you. in fact stop readingthis guide article.

Best to go to hospital and ask that allI have written that you have read -- oh. Well the planets going away, anyway, right?

(disables wink)

(P133:3, 12:4.1) All units of cosmic energy are in primary revolution, are engaged in the execution of their mission, while swinging around the universal orbit. The universes of space and their component systems and worlds are all revolving spheres, moving along the endless circuits of the master universe space levels. Absolutely nothing is stationary in all the master universe except the very center of Havona, the eternal Isle of Paradise, the center of gravity.

(P133:4, 12:4.2) The Unqualified Absolute is functionally limited to space, but we are not so sure about the relation of this Absolute to motion. Is motion inherent therein? We do not know. We know that motion is not inherent in space; even the motions of space are not innate. But we are not so sure about the relation of the Unqualified to motion. Who, or what, is really responsible for the gigantic activities of force-energy transmutations now in progress out beyond the borders of the present seven superuniverses? Concerning the origin of motion we have the following opinions:

no, i don't really know what it means. i merely find it irrefutable.

in the thirties apparently a bunch of social outcastes and some real reputable people of letters released the idea that they had been in psionic contact with melchizidek priests -- the ancient line of spiritual sages mentioned many places esoterically, including the christian bible sans apocrypha that we have become inculcated to, inured to and at odd moments deeply, whirlingly offended by.

"hey! let's represent the Prince of peace through righteous slaying!'
'what do you mean?'
'well if you turn this here cross thing upside down it becomes a -- oh, for the love of"(becomes MAD, sticks it in you. you die.)
"ahh, Christ."
madman looks for someone else.

epochs pass.

the urantia Book is a**kick because it explains all these complicated things in a somewhatheartening way - in a somewhat heartening way that bridges several religions and thousands and thousands of CENTURIES. (i wonder if that is very many zeroes. fairy cake...)

How big is the Urantia Book's cosmology?

Readers of the original progenitors to the Guide, The Hitchhikers' books and the Guide as dramatized by Adams within the books, well, they had to take place somewhere. And that somewhere is utterlypainstakingly exhaustively described by the Urantia Book. or to paraphrase the American, Mark Twain -- 'there's always someone cleverer than yourself.'

'hitchhikers' takes place in "the Galaxy" one may infer, one galaxy.

'life, the universe, and everything' talks about, indeed a place where through temporal oddness patrons may dine at Milliways and see the end of the Universe, complete with substitute Zoroaster Zaquhon showing up and - wait, wait; but i - FOOSH and you are in the parking lot searching for your zarking fardquarks (which is betelgeusian for car keys. don't you DARE tell the guide editors i let that one out. i'll be moshed into qus. - love, longshot)

The Audacity! how dare The universe Evolve?!

Creationists ane evolutionisis have a long time tradition of arument, like liberals and Conservatives in the United States -- i fact the lines are roughly the same. The Urantia book confirms and chastises both argumentative groups showing that indeed creation and evolution can and have coexisted. the statements f our cosmic URANTIA BOOK cn be refutedand denied, but you would need a conveyance that could traverse univrerses -- not our piddling just beyond planet nine pioneering space developments -- beyond

the Urantia Book relates to UNIVERSES. in other words; it has tobe seen to be disbelieved. no one will comment on this entry today in all probability - and trust me i am a expert on improbability and probability not because of the Guide and its adherents but because i am sharply dressed and yet laid back and mellow -- a feat in economicaly dressed times, but Jerry Cornelius and Spike Spiegel can do it -- Leaving Creationists and evolutionists stuck either running real quick out of reasons to argue contentiously -- or else of course creating unity and harmony and reasons to argue as allies argue, to hine the point and get closer tothe heart of the matter. To BOLDLY GO WHERE NO -- oh, I am somewhat sorry...running on...

meanwhile. The Urantia Book has mellow observations and some chiding help for earth beings -- we are called 'evolutionary will beings' and the real dealis that urantibuk safely puts God and Evolution in one context.

the hard verson, the paper version is THICK like unto Old Noah wevbsters entymological bible. The online book, is well, online.

tell me what you think but gods! not immediately.
if you think doesteyvsky's collection is a big meal, the UB Book will bloat you with one sitting. it's ah, well doug wrote that humans were listed as mostly harmless. the Urantia Book is massively huge.
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