
2 Conversations

Monorails are unique as a form of Earth transport. Initially invented as 'future transport' for people in sixties sci-fi movies about years post-1980, some entrepeneurial sci-fi buffs actually made some for real people in the real world.

One of the first such efforts was unveiled at the Seattle World's Fair circa 1965. This ran (or floated) from downtown to a pointless sticky-up bit outside downtown called the space needle*. Nowadays the huge sprawling monorail network runs from......yes, you guessed it........... downtown to the pointless sticky-up thingy called the space needle. It starts operating at around 11am - cool time for an urban transport system huh?

It remains today what it was forty years ago, a way for ordinary people to step into the world of robbie the robot.

*Space Needle, a large pointless tower with a point on top, from where views of downtown Seattle (and a rather sixties-looking monorail)can be had.

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