A Conversation for Life after divorce

A391682 - Life After Divorce

Post 21

a girl called Ben

Let me take another look.

There is a certain irony in my situation here, when you first posted it I was trying to remain married, now I am waiting for my paperwork to come through.

I do remember you saying that the first relationship after divorce is inevitably a disaster. Well my first relationship was fine, but my first sexual encounter was pretty disasterous. Dunno which counts.

All the best


A391682 - Life After Divorce

Post 22

Zarniroop (er.... I'll think of something amusing to put here soon!)

*Stomps aroun the workshop banging some dust off other entries in progress as two of his are sitting around gathering dust as well and considering putting his entry on fairtrade into pr*

*Offers encouragement*


A391682 - Life After Divorce

Post 23


I guess whichever one meant the most to you.
I just think that the first kick at the cat -- meaning the roles you choose the first time out tend to be a mistake. You get caught up in something while you are still going through your thoughts about the marriage (which you probably think you're done with). That's my take anyway.
Best of luck.

A391682 - Life After Divorce

Post 24


Thanks Z.
I stopped working on this article when I recieved a review from the origional h2g2 editors saying, basically, that my attitude was too flippant towards such a serious subject.
However, that was sort of my point...

A391682 - Life After Divorce

Post 25

a girl called Ben

Well, laughing is better than crying for f***'s sake!



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Post 26

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