Glove Compartments

4 Conversations

A glove compartment is a storage space in an automobile for keeping gloves. The purpose of which is to keep them out of harms way while driving or to avoid them flying of ones hands in a road accident and perhaps hitting one of the vehicles occupants and causing an injury. Glove compartments are strangely large for their intended purpose and have obviously been designed to store gloves of the largest possible size. For the purposes of people from the planet earth, a glove compartment will easily store the gloves of all the automobiles occupants and it is the drivers responsibility to ensure that all the gloves are securely locked away before any manouevre.

There is also a light inside the glove compartment which allows for easy identification of gloves by passengers in the back seat when travelling at night when it is dark. They will be able to direct the driver or front passenger to the correct pair of gloves with relative ease.

The glove compartment will often have a door and sometimes be lockable for peace of mind in the event of a potential thief who may be tempted to steal the gloves if he or she sees them through the automobiles window.

The glove compartment is an integral part of every automobile and not an optional extra like air bags or anti lock brakes for example. Thus dignifying the importance placed on glove security by the automotive industry.

It is true to say that the potential hazard of a stray glove causing harm is very low and the glove compartments use has changed somewhat from a storage space for gloves to one of a log book compartment. And thus the Highway Code has been shortened from Gloves, Mirror, Signal, Manouevre to simply Mirror, Signal, Manouevre.

There are of course many uses that the glove compartment has been put to, ranging from rubbish bin to a hiding place for underwear, although it has to be said that the latter will not be as effective as making floozies put their underwear back on before leaving the vehicle.

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