Rock, paper, scissors is a sort of game used to determine who will either start playing a game, be the one to do some action, etc. The game is based on a system in which each of the players (This game works with 2 players) pulls out his hand at the same time, while making a fist (As a rock), pulling two fingers out (Scissors), or putting out a flat hand (Paper). Now, the winner is determined by a system yet to be adjusted to physical scales, which follows: a) Rock beats scissors. b) Scissors beat paper. c) Paper beats rock. In a case of both players doing the same "object", there is another match until it comes out right. The reason why people would believe a piece of paper would stop a rock from doing anything, is not known. A possibility is that when the game was invented there were very big pieces of paper produced or very small rocks. Or both, of course.
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