Fish on the 10 O'Clock train

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Over the newspaper the man in mack stared at his fellow train occupants. No one knew where he was going, or why he was going there. Which was fine by him, as he was going for Fish. And right now this was the most important thing in his life.

If the people on the train with him, knew that this morning his home and family had decided to vanish leaving him lying in the middle of a crater, that he had since inadvertantly caused the death of two rather strangely dressed Tax collectors, and that he had spoken to Julius Caeser as recently as 9:30 PM, this evening - they would probably look at him quite differently. But as it was he was a guy in a mack, and the fact he was after fish would have been strange enough for them.

Jack Phinolli didn't want to think. He tried to take his mind off things. He thought he'd try and take in his fellow passengers. To his left was someone on any other day would have considered shifty. So he thought he would consider him shifty today as well - just for the hell of it. He was wearing a old Iron Maiden T-Shirt and jeans, with a shaven/scarred head, with an ear with several earring in it.

Fair enough. probably just on his way to rave, or a concert of some sort. Okay next one. On the opposite end of the train (the one where the seats on other half of the train are facing you) he saw a young woman, who was wearing clothes that were at least 10 sizes too small for her. She was wearing a pink t-shirt that was bought for someone alot slimmer than her, or her before she spent two years living in a fastfood restaurant. Her elasticated pants tucked some of her belly in, with the other half was on show for all to see in all its humongous glory. She was wearing a small fluffy coat that in no way on hell was going to zip shut. Her face was not unattractive, with actually not that much sign of a double chin which was strange for a woman of her fat content. She also took up most of the seat. Next to her, was a tall very skinny man in a denim set up leaning on her. She had her arms around him. Assumably this gross mis-match of size was a couple.

Okay next one. On the left opposite was mr Joe Bloggs... to give him an original name. He was for all intents and purposes mr average - if such a thing exists. He was of average build, average hair, wearing a shirt/tie/pants combo, along with a none-descript coat. The only odd thing about him seemed to be that he was on this train at this time.

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