
1 Conversation

<FONT FACE="Arial" SIZE="+7" COLOR="#996600">Fart Facts</FONT>

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<P><FONT FACE="Arial" >If you were to ask someone what a fart is, they
would probably say that it is a gas, or that it stinks or that it is an
air bubble. All of these are correct.</FONT></P>

<FONT FACE="Arial" >A fart is created first when you eat something.
When the food enters the intestine, microbes and bacteria munch on the
food. If the food can't be digested by the microbes, it is released as
gas into the intestine. Swallowed air also contributes to this gas. The
main gasses of a fart are carbon dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen, some oxygen
and a lot of methane. Carbon dioxide enters the intestine from swallowed
air or from the blood. Carbon dioxide creates the bubbles while farting
in a bathtub or pool. Nitrogen just adds more pressure and comes from swallowed
air. Hydrogen is very flammable and light. The light weight causes the
fart to float. Methane is another flammable gas. Methane burns with a blue
flame. Many teenage and college boys &quot;light their farts&quot; or fart
into an open flame from a lighter resulting in a small flame shooting from
their butt. However, a wrong food in your diet can result in a green, yellow,
even red flame due to excess minerals or other minute gases. A big enough
fart can cause a fireball like the one on our index page (Just kidding.).</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE="Arial">Many people ask why farts stink. This is simple.
Some of the microbes create sulferous gasses such as indole, skatole, hydrogen
sulfide, dimethyl sulfide, methyl mercaptan and methanethiol. Hydrogen
Sulfide gives the legendary rotten eggs smell. Indole and Skatole give
the other legendary poop smell. Dimethyl Sulfide gives a &quot;steamed
vegetable&quot; type smell after eating, you guessed it, vegetables. Methyl
Mercaptan gives a more musky smell. Different people have different quantities
and mixtures of these gasses causing out &quot;unique&quot; smell.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE="Arial">Men fart an average of 14 times a day releasing
as little as one cup to one half gallon! Women fart an average of 7 times
per day. </FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE="Arial" >Many people also ask if farting is dangerous.
Generally, the answer is no except for five rare instances. One overweight
man was actually killed by his fart! He was sleeping and farted in an unventilated
room. The methane cloud hung over his bed and eventually killed him. A
few of the rescuers had to be hospitalized because of the fumes. Another
incident was when a 13 year old boy attempted to light a fart and he ended
up igniting his pants! The third incident was when someone stuck a tube
up their butt and put a hamster in the tube. They lit a match to get the
hamster out and it burnt its hair. However, many people are debating the
validity of that story (they think that it is a lie) The flames ignited
a pocket of gas creating an ignition of gas further up in the intestine.
This blew the hamster out like a canon! They all suffered second degree
burns but recovered. Supposedly in Arizona, a man got drunk, lit a fart
and the house caught on fire. The last incident was during an intestinal
operation. A spark from the operating instruments ignited the hydrogen
and methane in the man's stomach causing an explosion! Fortunately, he
made a full recovery!</FONT></P>

<P>Cool, eh?</P>


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