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"Another one from the pen of that great writer ANON"

Following a number of recent incidents in which it has not subsequently proved possible to attribute all blame and responsibility on any one person, and for which some members of senior management have been held wholly or partly liable, it has been decided that on all future schemes or contracts a 'Person to Blame' (PTB) will be appointed before any work, in which there is the slightest element of 'risk', commences.

The PTB, who should not be above Supervisor level, will assume full responsibility for all accidents, incidents, errors, mistakes or any other matter that would be better forgotten about, that arise during the course of the work (and in exceptional cases before commencement).

Under no circumstances will this person attempt to defray his liability and involve others, regardless of their guilt and notwithstanding any agreement, verbally or in writing, to the contrary, blame shall be absolute and binding on the PTB.

For this reason, it is preferable that the PTB should be qualified and fully acquainted with the works, as this will thereby limit any grounds for 'lack of knowledge' of the situation. This point is considered particularly important should the incident result in an inquiry.

Under no circumstances will the presence of any member of senior management on site, even if fully acquainted with the works, relieve the PTB of his duties. It is also clearly understood that the PTB will accept full responsibility at all times for the works and for the actions of members of his staff, even if absent owing to annual leave or sickness.

No formal training is required or will be given in these duties and the PTB will not be notified of his position in advance, but it shall be quite clear to all other persons involved with the scheme or works who the PTB will be.

In the event of two PTB's of equal standing being on site at the same time, the more astute will nominate the other to act on his behalf.

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