The Guinea Pig, Dalkey, Co. Dublin

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The Guinea Pig is, somewhat surprisingly, a fish restaurant about 40 yards downhill from Dalkey DART station. Despite the exclusive locality1 the food was reasonably priced, with an "early bird" menu before 8pm.

I had the chowder to start and braised lamb shank for the main course, the latter cooked to the point where it nearly fell off the bone unassisted, and strawberries and home made ice cream to wrap it all up. Christina had deep fried mushrooms followed by crab and a fruits of the forest compot to finish. Total bill, including a bottle of Argentinian white, was IRĀ£60.

The restaurant is open 7 nights, from 6pm. Bookings are taken on 285 9055 and they also have a short website entry.

1Dalkey being the wealthy area of Co. Dublin boasting rich and famous inhabitants such as Eddie Irvine and Damon Hill to name(drop) just a couple

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