Oddball Fancomics
Created | Updated Apr 14, 2005
The first fancomic on Bob and George , and the first subcomic when those came around, Oddball (written by duck-obbsessed author Rick O'Shay) is one of the strangest, yet funniest, comics on the site. unfortunatly, he rarely updates, occationally making people think that he has quit his comic. fortunatly, he hasn't. currently, his charictor is roming the universe after being exiled from his comic by a robotic author assistent gone crazy. much of the humor tends to be random or somewhat non-sensical, and if you expect it to be "normal" you'll end up missing about half the jokes. rick's humor draws from many sources, such as anime, videogames, and "nerd" humor, and generally, there is something for everyone.