Problems of life: part three How to understand women

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Problems of life: part three
How to understand women
As I am a man, many women may have a problem dealing with my entry here. If they would like to correct me, congratulate me or insult me, which ever they feel most appropriate, I would be more than happy for them to contact me, especially intelligent blondes. (Honestly even though that may sound like a joke, it isn't. I know a lot of intelligent blondes and all the male chauvinists-stop laughing.)
In respect to this subject, I have uncovered a type of paradox. Only women understand each other and they as sure as hell not going to divulge their secret to any males. That would completely destroy one of the weapons they have against the male species. It is of course a different species to females, because no self-respecting female would ever consider showing bum cleavage in public (that’s cleavage of the derriere, bottom, behind or rump, and has nothing to do with the persons without a fixed address). Well almost never.
One aspect of female psychology that I have never quite been able to fathom has always been why on earth, or not on earth, they have to go to the toilet in pairs or threes, leaving only one person outside the loos. A recognised researcher once remarked that this was due to the paranoia of the woman’s friends insulting her behind her back whilst she partook of a slash. Personally I have no idea about the psychology of women, and I doubt if I ever will. And I like it that way. It means that women think men are quaint and cute. They look on men as charming little monkeys, as if men didn’t understand normal speech. Women are a higher life form than men and this is clearly shown by their dignity and intelligence. Who else could make a seven foot rugby player feel small and insignificant?

p.s [email protected]

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