Hangover tips; How to minimize the damage and possibly ever survive.

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I'm a professional drinker largly due to the fact that I've never had a hangover. There are actually two things bad about never suffering hangovers. First, I tend to drink alot and often, not having the fear of the morning after. Second, I'm always the guy that has to take care of all the whiners the next day! Small price to pay really. So, here's some advice that I've passed to many people in realspace, maybe I can help some people now in cyberspace.

To avoid a hangover, or at least minimize the damage, take a B complex vitamin and drink some water. Your body uses both of these to process the alchohol out of your system. When you slither out of bed the morning after a good drunk, take another B and a good multi vitamin, and an optional pain reliever, and drink some more water. If you're queasy, try and drink water that's room temp, it won't shock your system when it hits bottom. Then get in the shower while the coffee is brewing. There's two reasons for the shower.

1) you stink, really, I'm not kidding here, you smell like a drunk.

2) your body has increased blood circulation near the skin while you're drinking, which explains the warm "rush" that happens sometimes while imbibing. This causes increased skin temperature which causes increased sweating and, you guessed it, number 1 above.

After your shower you can go ahead and drink some coffee, since you already had some water and gave the vitamins some time to get into your system. Now eat something, if you drink like I do you more than likely used up alot of your energy reserves last night. Gotta build up your strength, you have a long day ahead of yourself and you'll want to feel your best by noon o'clock, that's when you can start drinking again!

Dam, it's 12:09pm here, I gotta go, all this talk of drinking has made me rather thirsty.

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