Glossary of Islamic words and their meanings

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Islamic words? whats that all about then?

Around 1400 years ago the religion called Islam
appeared on the world map in Arabia. The people in Arabia all spoke what we call 'Classical Arabic'1 and as a result all Islamic terms are in Arabic and the Holy Qur'an2 was also written in Arabic. Like all foreign languages this has resulted in miss understandings about word meanings over the years, many of which are still used today. To try and address some of the meanings of common Islamic terms will be the goal of this entry. To do this you will find a table below with common Islamic terms, their meanings in English and help with pronunciation.


Arabic word Phonetically English meaning
Al-ham-du-lil-laah Praise be to Allah
Al-laah God
Allahu Akbar
Al-laahu Ack-bar God is the greatest
A-mean May God answer
As-salaamu Alaikum
As-sa-laamu A-lake-kum May peace be upon you
As-salaamu Alaikum wa
Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh
As-salaamu A-lake-kum wah
rath-ma-too-laah-he wah barrack-ka-too
may peace and the Mercy and
Blessings of God be upon you3"
Astaghfir Allah
As-stof-ful-al-laah I seek forgiveness from Allah
Ay-a Sign. It is also the name given
to verses of the Holy Qur’an
Buck-car-ee Name of one of the compilers of Hadith
Biss-mill-laah In the name of God
Bismillah ar-Rahman
Biss-mill-laah ar-rothmaan ar-rath-heem In the name of God, the Most Gracious, Most Merciful
Da-wah Invitation (for humankind)
Do-ar Supplication
Fat-tah-ba-rack-al-lah May Allah bless you
Fah-tah-wah Opinon/Give ruling
Fi-Sabi-Lillah For the sake of Allah
Fi-a-maan-al-lah May you be in the protection of Allah
1It is called this because over the years, like all languages, Arabic has grown and changed in vocabulary and meanings and some words have changed to form the Arabic of today.2The name given to the Muslim holy book3Extended version of As-salaamu Alaikum.

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