The Vans of Life and Death - or where to get chips in Cambridge city centre

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I need to think of a title for this entry, which will hopefully cover the vans of life and death, and of course Gardies. Any contributions welcome.

Oh, and I have to re-learn GuideML. Great. This was such a good plan when I have finals.


The vans - what's the difference, where do they go, why are they called that? etc
Life (megaburger)


<P>Of course, the are many who argue that to go to a Van at all is a crime when just off the Market Square, down <LINK HREF="">Rose Crescent</LINK>, lies Gardies. 'The Gardenia' is, unlike either of the vans, established within a solid building: there's even a restaurant upstairs. Gardies is also open in the daytime, in fact I have personally never seen it closed. The cuisine is Greek food, generally kebabs and things in pitta bread, described as "a healthy Mediterranean alternative".</P>

<P>The most important thing anyone needs to know about Gardies is that <LINK H2G2="A1126270">Caius College</LINK> once tried to shut it down after it had occupied its spot for over 40 years. This provoked outrage amonst all the current and former customers. As you can imagine, there were quite a few of these. The BBC News reports on Gardies' <LINK HREF="">threatened closure</LINK> and subsequent <LINK HREF="">restoration</LINK> demonstrate the deep love felt for this venerable institution. There are some who might say 'it's just a kebab shop', especially those students forced to live above and opposite it and its noisy queue, but they are in a minority.</P>

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