The meaning of life

2 Conversations

The meaning of life is a pretty big topic. Yearh 42 is an answer, but lets face it. We canĀ“t handle the truth!. So here are some good ideas for the lost people.

Nr. 1
Life is passing through pain into death, and then only knowing the ends of your fingertips as your wanting turns to begging, and in your desperation for a straight answer you begin to realize you'll never again be able to do it all again, and then you'll realize how special your life was, and then how the pain of missing it will only last for a few more moments.
So you begin to look forward to death, and you try so hard to accept it, but the estranged feelings of sadness stays with you, even with the thought of no pain pounding in your mind.
But it's just not right, your conscience proceeds you, so you look for other angles, and you still wait for someone to give you the answers, but they don't and they never will, and you realize why... not because life sucks and there's no point to living, but because you know you will never understand, and in that absense of understanding you hand over control, and deep down you realize that the want for meaning is really the fear of one's own demise, and you say to yourself "Life is a tree", and you listen to yourself. And with that final thought, with that simple moment of peace and warmth, you smile and die.
Of course, if in that last moment your standing in front of a speeding bus, and you just think to yourself "Woops!", well then you'll probably still be OK

Nr. 2
I'll tell you one thing, it has nothing to do with either television or cars (or light trucks, sport utilities, or minivans - especially not minivans.)

Nr. 3
If you go in search of the meaning of life you have missed it entirely.

Nr. 4
Life is a pause before death

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