Analysis Spoiler
Created | Updated Jan 28, 2002
In 4th grade I was actually fairly good at programming (for a fourth grader), if I dare say so myself, so I was starting to make stupid little games. In them I would always say they were by "JRN and Company", since my dad helped me with them a lot, and my friends would help with new ideas for them a lot. Once I, for fun, made a little program to encrypt messages (it converted the letters to ASCII codes and did some simple arithematic) that required a name for a key, and I was writing little "secret messages" to other members of the "Company". The input statement (I used TurboBASIC) was picky about commas, so when I got around that I was kinda showing off by making my name ",,LP,," ("Lead Programmer"). This didn't last very long, but it was fun... but that's why the name is so rediculus. This also explains the name jrnandco, of course.
When I played Diablo (for those who don't know, it's a multiplayer graphical RPG - with no real gameplay, like so many games nowadays) on (their internet server), I used the name Croesus because I thought it was cool. It's a fine username for that kind of thing, especially considering that you don't want to give your name out. Later, I lost my password for the Croesus account, so I started a new one, planning to make it Eratosthenes - the guy that made the sieve and calculated the world's circumference, as well as a lot of other things - but it was already taken, so I changed the o into a 0, I don't remember why. Later I remember the Croesus password, but I continued to use erat anyway.
I kind of like the unique unpronouncability and all of jrn, but I don't really care about scrabble values :-). Though I do play scrabble...
Moj is short for Moji, which is a Japanese pastry or something, as well as being my (well, the family's) cat's name. =)
Passwords might be analysable by someone else...
And I decided to put this in a guide entry because I need to give everyone a fair chance.
Oh yeah, I forgot, Wirt Two is named after that guy in Diablo, also from Diablo days... If you can think of another excuse for it, please tell me, 'cuz AOL stuck me with it =(