Cody Wyoming

3 Conversations

General Info.

Cody Wyoming is a town with roughly 10,000 people. Overall Cody is a great town, surrounded with Beautiful scenery. From Cody you can see easily Cedar Mountain, Spirit/Rattlesnake Mountain, and Hart Mountain. Although there are more, their names have temporarily escaped me. Its main industry is tourism. The main draw for tourism is that Cody is 50 miles from Yellowstone National Park. During the Summer, you can go to a Rodeo and watch people do nutty things while holding onto enraged farm animals. If you are in Cody during winter, you can go both cross-country and downhill skiing at a Sleeping Giant which is about 52 miles from Cody. More extensive cross-country trails are avaible at Pahaska teepee a ways up the road. Pahaska teepee also has collector spoons, stuffed animals, rocks, a great sledding hill, and decent food.

Restaurants and Places to Get Chow

There a lot of restaurants in Cody. Here are a few of them
  • For sandwiches go to Peter's downtown. I personally recommend the Mountain Man, if you happen to like a filling sandwich. He also has a good bakery.
  • There is a heated debate in this town about which Mexican restaurant is better, in my opinion, it is Zapata's which is downtown. La Camida is the other, I'm pretty sure it mean "the food". The quality of the food seems to vary quite a lot.
  • The Gardens is a new Italian restuarant that recently opened. It also has some of the best lasagna around. It has a creamy sauce and a red sauce which taste really good together, contrasting off of each other.
  • Our Place which is out on the West Strip is pretty good for breakfast. When you walk in, your imediate reaction is wonderment as to how they fit it all into a space that looks smaller than an outhouse. The food however is what you'd expect for a town in Cody, good but not much else, however they have the best pie that you will find in Cody (again not saying much)
  • Hong Kong Restaurant is a good place not to go to eat Chinese food if you have been to a big city or actually been to a real Chinese restaurant. The food is covered in some sort of starchy goo, and the only aparent way to get them to leave it off is to order take out, and then they put it the goo in little containers. Steer toward the chicken and beef dishes as they tend to put less goo on. Just a note to the trier of Chinese restaurants, if you think the food is going to be nasty, get Lo Mein as it is very hard to mess up, even if you do put goo on it. On a side note, when ordering take out, do not refer to the starchy goo as starchy goo as they become somewhat irrate.


There are a couple of main industries and job providers in Cody.
  • Y-Tex makes eartags and also has a catalog called modern farm
  • Walmart recently put in a Super Walmart, the size of an aircraft hangar, they provide a very large number of jobs, but small companies have been hurting as Walmart has taken away a lot of their business
  • Sierra Trading post offers all kinds of outdoor clothing and similar apperal.
  • Celotex makes wall board and also owns a gypsum mine in Cody.
  • Tourism is of course the major industry and employer as you need so many people to sell the fantastick amount of touristy things

I will update this once I've done more research AKA eaten more food :-P

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