The Sandwich Shop, Gloucester Road, London

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The Sandwich Shop is the stuff of legend.

So what's special about this shop? As the name suggests, it sells sandwiches. But what the name doesn't tell you is that it sells very good sandwiches, both freshly-made baguette-type ones and pre-packaged ones.

But hang on a sec, there are about a million other sandwich shops in London. But this is the one and only Sandwich Shop. Okay, I'm starting to be a bore now so I'll move on and actually tell you something about it.

The best thing about this shop becomes clear after 4 PM. At this magical hour, all pre-packaged sandwiches miraculously experience a magical reduction in price. So much so, they become half-price, to be precise. This goes a long way towards keeping many an Imperial College student well-nourished and healthy. This in turn goes a long way towards ensuring these students do well in exams and become good scientists or engineers, contributing to the economy of the nation as a whole and keeping the prestige of the College high.

So what's on offer here? Fillings range from popular ones like Cheese & Pickle to unusual (and sometimes disgusting) combinations you can order - at least one person I know has ordered a Cheese Omelette, Tuna and Sweetcorn sandwich with Lettuce, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Chilli Sauce, Mayonnaise, Ketchup, Salt and Pepper. Yuck!

If sandwiches are not to your fancy, you can get a slice of pizza or a hot dog, or some chips. They also sell pastries and doughnuts. At least one good friend of mine swears by their crunch cake. They also make a good Hot Chocolate, and sell a wide range of soft drinks.

Also, if you're a devout Muslim, rest assured. The lamb, beef and chicken meat they use in Halal - slaughtered in the correct fashion (clearly, the ham isn't!). So you can feast yourself without any feelings of guilt. Some of the guys serving you also speak Hindi, which is always a plus point in a multicultural and ethnically diverse city, especially when you're a stone's throw from a college with tons of British Asians as students.

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