Ice cream

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There are at whole billions of Ice cream parlors, shops, stands, resteraunts, and the like. It is there for no small task to find the best of the best. It all boils or freezes down you could say to a madder of choice. I went to the city of Millbury Massachussetts in in America, near where I live. I found this new Ice cream store,Cold Stone Creamery, that does have some exceptional Ice Cream and is an odd kind of store.
The very fist thing you notice is that the line is out the door almost all of the time, this would give you the illution that is very popular and trendy to eat there and not say down at the local Friendley's resteraunt. I went in after about ten or twenty minutes of waiting, and you are suddenly hit with the sweet smell of all types of Ice Cream and candy. I made my way and waited till the barely out of school kid took my order. I ordered some plain milky vanilla with crunch peices, Reeses, and White Chocolate chip. It comes in three sizes, and not small medium and large but a new form called Like it, Love it, and Got to have it. You can tell yourself the comparison. I had the Got to have it size and then watched them take my couple of scoops of Ice Cream and put it on a cutting board and pound it like it was a steak at a butcher's shop, or that little green alien in the Bugs Bunny cartoons that used to try to blow up the Nuclear Warheads. He bashes and bashes his little heart out as my poor Ice Cream just took it, and mangled together with the other pieces of cany who's only crime was that I wanted to eat them. I watched as he then scooped the bashes Ice Cream into my moderate bowl and served it to me. It cost a little over 5 amican dollars, and I left the remaining 85 cent's as tip.
This "tip" invokes the intire staff to erupt in a sponanious and commical song, it is always clever, always different, and always very nearly but not intirely compleatly out of tune. All this is only complemented by the fact that the Ice cream is really good. So in all an ok experiance to be had. Just remember if a song and dance is not what you want to hear when eating Ice Cream just stiff them and they will not sing at you, but if you like that sort of thing, go ahead and enjoy.

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