Savage Garden, Toronto, Canada

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Where have all the vampires gone?

Well, maybe not all of them, but a good lot of them seem to be at Savage Garden. It's another of Queen Street's many interesting establishments -- just a little more dimly lit than others.

Savage Garden (Queen and Bathurst) hosts a gothic/vampiric crowd, and is decorated to make even the darkest of people feel at home. The bar is good, the music is dark and ominous, the pinball is welcomed, and the rubber-clad girl dancing in the cage is a nice touch. All in all, the ambience is fantastic -- if you're into the fantastical, that is.

Players and enthusiasts of "Vampire: The Masquerade" can attend regular game nights, and out-of-game socials, hosted by Savage Garden. Or, on any other night, you can just go there and have fun out of the sun.

Anyone with a streak of darkness should find this place to be of their liking.

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