HHGTTG Movie 2005

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Why kan I not find any diskussions on the new film and are there any fish other than the bablefish in it? they must be somewhere<hsif> diskussing it. it looks a lot different to the tv series but 20 years on and with a much bigger budget it will.(not the bable<hsif>)

i have seen the trailers on the www.hitchhikermovie.com site and now on the tv, my son was bought up on the five part trilogy, he is now ten and for the umptinth time i am reading the big book to him again,

i have an omnibus edition, i picked it up in dubai for a fiver! not bad i thought, i also have eakh book in soft back, anyhow he was bought up on the books and tv and radio and audio tapes, as well as 2000ad comik and kan not wait for the film, there was no age kert on the tv trailer, i wonder what it will be?

only a couple of weeks to go

keep it krispy (the batter that is)

kaptin kipper

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