Self-generating Happiness

3 Conversations

A.R.Shams's 'Creative Living Spirit' Reflection:

Do you self-generate happiness?

Happiness, has been noted, is within oneself. If I determine to keep happy and contented throughout the day and night I find myself happy and keeping others happy too around me. Only some of my pessimistic moves often can make me and people associated with me unhappy.

I've seen people like one that who every time while meeting us just brings new and fresh unhealthy news for us. He/she narrates them in such a manner that we've got to be gloomy and keep long faced throughout the day.

Other ones, who are mostly welcomed for giving us company, come with bagful of humorous talks that help us keep smiling or laughing throughout our waking hours even when such ones disappear from the scene.

How do you self-generate happiness?

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