Human Rights of Unborn Children
Created | Updated Sep 12, 2005
According to English common law, an unborn child does not have a distinct human personality; only when it is born alive does it become a person in its own right.
The implication under English law is that, not being a 'person', a foetus cannot possess its own independent legal rights, and the issue has not to date been clarified by the European Court of Human Rights.
I am campaigning for the Human Rights of unborn children to be acknowledged.
I would appreciate your support in bringing this to the attention of the general public and MEP's.
Write an email1 (I will print it out and add it to my folder of letters which will be forwarded to the European Court) please use the subject line: "Human Rights for the Unborn".
Thank you
Society for the Human Rights of Unborn Foetus
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