The Stony Brook School

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The Stony Brook School, NY 11790, USA

The Stony Brook School (SBS) is a private school on the eastern end of Long Island, New York. It usually has a student body of less than 400 students. It is one of the most unique schools in the world that I have ever encountered.

The faculty live on campus with the students, literally wall against wall. The campus was built in the 1920's and so is a little old. But the school lives on donations, which shows the mark it leaves on people who have been there.

The students are like a big family and the teachers their friends. Its something that no one can explain to you, but it is marvellous. I wish I could stay there forever. You must experience it for yourself.

It is 1.5 hours away from New York city and close to the Atlantic. It has a good sailing, Lacrosse (its an American game where people have nets on the ends of sticks and throw solid rubber balls in the back of a net) and sometimes track. Most of the facilities like its olympic calibre track and large number of boats are donated.

Around the school there really is not much. There is Smithhaven Mall about 30 minutes away, theres a 7-11, Dunkin' Donuts/Baskin Robbins down the street and this Pizza place called Dominos. Go east more and you find Ichi and some other asian restaurant I forget the name of. Ichi is better and cheaper.

Go more east and you get to the end of the train line at Port Jefferson. The sunrises and sunsets around there are stunning. Especially if you are on the ferry going towards Connecticut.

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