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First of all, there is no such thing as double snowboarding. But there are people who claim they know what it is. That's people like me.

This sport, that some claim exist and some claim don't, was invented by two swedes. They were not particulary sober, which was the main cause of the idea, which is something like this:

"Ey, Kocke! I Have an idea!" said Björn.
"Yo man, what is it?" asked Kocke.
"Let's take that old snowboard and put TWO pairs of bindings on it!" continued Björn.
"That's cool man." said Kocke, and the two build a double-snowboard.

If any of you don't know what a snowboard is, that's your problem. You're not interrested of double-snowboarding anyway. If any of you don't know what a snowboard binding is, that's the binding-manufacturingcompanies problem.

On an old large and widely considered worthless Nidecker from the late eighties, four bindings were placed. In those bindings, and when the board was on a snow-covered hill, four feet were strapped tightly to the bottom of the bindings. The four feet belonged to the two inventors, who now started their ride down the snow-covered hill.

Picture of this odd thing: (

Riding this double-board brings you a whole lot of new experiences. People gazing at you, problems with communication and dying. The last one is maybe the most exciting, but also the one which hurts the most. So before you decide to go double-snowboarding - tell your grandmother that you love her and write your will. But don't give the double-snowboard to somebody you like, cause you'll have a hard time facing that person in a later life.

Last of all I would like to point out that double-snowboardning is a pretty bad idea from the beginning. But the inventors are still hoping that the thing will attract a lot of chicks.

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