Letters from a Nut

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By Ted L. Nancy

Introduction by Jerry Seinfeld
Letters from a Nut, and its various sequels, are some of the funniest bits of madness ever to be printed. The premise is simple: write a letter to someone, telling them of a problem you have: a lost Prussian sword, a butter costume, or a corn that looks like Shelley Fabares. Then print your letter and their replies in a book.

What makes this book genius is not the concept, or even the oddly serious replies, but Mr. Nancy's hilarious writing style. He parenthesizes beautifully: This week can be moved, but this is the best date. (Ink Spot Fest, Coasters Grandma birthday, Cinnamon, etc.) He capitalizes sporadically: I will need NO HELP in putting these drapes up. I have taken them down and put them up MANY times. I WILL MAKE LITTLE MESS when I'm finished. And he always finds something nice to say: Thank you very much, Sahara, for getting back to me on this. I love your driveway.
This book is definately a classic. The first time you read it, you laugh. The second time, you also laugh, but you are laughing at the subtle running gags that link the letters together. The third, you begin to see the true genius of Mr. Nancy's work. This book is a must-buy.

Letters from a Nut, by Ted L. Nancy, is available from Avon Books in New York City.

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