The Truth behind the Multiverse

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As told to me by one dear Paul Wilson, the Universe is really a simple matter and there is no true answer to life, the Universe and everything. Or even a question for that matter. The Universe simply expands to its outer shell and then once more contracts into a single molecule before expanding into the next version of the Universe; I believe ours is Version 7.8 Beta Edition right now.

The true problem is the Multiverse; things and stuff are so much easier to handle when someone only has one thing to figure out, when you multiply that and add new ideas and universes together it gets pretty complicated pretty quickly. Take our Universe as an example (it would be much too hard to explain this idea using any other Universe), we have for the better part of the past century believed that the Universe was infinite, but it really isn’t, it has an outer shell as all things and stuff do, even atoms have outer shells. For all our telescopes, satellites and every other high-tech invention we have come up with we still cannot see this outer shell.

Now take the residents of Alocacoc, a race of being so self-involved with themselves they do not even realize that there is a Universe, let alone a Multiverse. Then you take the citizens of Tropex, who live no farther than 5,000 light years away from the outer-shell of the Universe, they have answered every question and every problem imaginable of the Universe and the Multiverse. Not because these beings have any telescopes or satellites of their own, but are just really, really very good at math. That and they can see it. They, from an early age, had to learn of how the Universe expands and contracts just to get clear television reception on any given day. The beings of Alocacoc don’t care about TV; they have mirrors, a lot of mirrors, so the expansion of the Universe hasn’t bothered them much.

The Tropex have discovered that there can be no less than four thousand eight-hundred and sixty three different universes out there, and then each one of those universes should each have at least five hundred and seventy-nine thousand eight hundred and ninety-four alternate universes and time-lines. That means that there are at least two billion eight hundred and twenty million twenty-four thousand five hundred and twenty-two different Multiverses, at least. That number can go up at any moment, even as I tell you this, or this, or even this. A universe can cease to exist at anytime, one universe crashes or shuts down the universes on either side of that universe will expand rapidly to fill in the void it created. Once in a while a new universe will spring up out of nowhere, thus the closest universes beside this one will shrink, and even rarer has the event occurred where a universe sprung and broke another universe in half creating two universes beside the new one, shrinking all those surrounding these three new universes.

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