Slasher movies

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The first thing you'll notice when watching a slasher movie is quite a large number of people running around doing incredibly stupid acts. The reason for the running around is the serial killer that is always involved in a slasher movie, the reason for the stupid acts is net yet known. It seems as if when you are chased by a man who's wearing a hockey mask and holding a lovely bleeding chainsaw, the first thing you'll want to do is to leave all windows open, hold a threatning death-device like a tooth pick, and run around, hoping not to bump into someone who's had a bad day. The serial killer, unlike the rediculous victims, may vary from film to film. In some films, they have a distinuishing little sign like a claw, a melted face, etc. But sometimes, the killer just might be one of your closest friends, who, for no obvious reason, goes mad overnight and starts killing people randomly. A lot of killers have a strange attraction for masks and gowns, some of them illegal in several countries, and some of them just plain dumb. After all, you'd think wearing a mask that's twice the size of your face and a dress would make it hard to chase someone-well, apparently not. That is because slasher movies are the kind of movies on which logic and common sense use the "Live and let live" approach, and remain absent.
With that certain advantage, you'd think a serial killer would kill everyone around him without getting caught. Yet, as in spy movies, the killers prefer, before they face the annying little main character that wouldn't die in the final scene, they prefer their own little self-destructive system, which follows:
A. Leave a clear trail to the place of the scene.
B. Never use guns or any other useful weapon, just stick to the good old Knife, claw, chainsaw, teeth, etc., that will stop working in the minute of use.
C. when capturing they're victim, not to kill it yet, but to give it an hour-long speech about a man's life in a competitive society, while giving it time to escape, call the police, find a weapon, run away, and sometimes even grab a burger.
The best approach towards a slasher movie, if you haven't seen any yet, is usually the same of logic and common sense, but if you feel suicidely brave, dumb, or gullible, go right ahead and catch one.
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