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In 1994, a Canadian company called Mainframe Entertainment released a television program called ReBoot. This show was the first television program to be completely computer generated. It aired in the USA on ABC and in Canada on YTV from 1994-1996, for two seasons. However, the third season (aired in Canada from 1996-1997) was not aired in America until the show was picked up by Toonami, an anime program produced by Cartoon Network, in 1999.

The show has continued to run on Cartoon Network, excepting a brief hiatus, ever since.
PlotReBoot takes place inside a brilliantly realized computer world. Most of the action takes place in the city of Mainframe, a backwoods system with a thriving population, but little connection with the outside Net. The city is constantly threatened by the schemes of two viruses, Megabyte and Hexadecimal. Luckily, Mainframe is protected by a Guardian named Bob.

Bob is admired by the young boy Enzo Matrix and his sister Dot Matrix. In addition, Bob seeks advice from the mystic COMMAND.COM, Phong. Various other characters abound, most of them references to other pieces of cinimatography, everything from Star Trek to HMS Pinafore.

In the middle of the series, Enzo meets a friend named AndrAIa. Soon afterward, a series of events is set into motion that causes Bob to be lost in the Web (gasp!) and Enzo and AndrAIa to be lost in the Games, traveling from system to system. The two compile up (read "grow up") into formidable enemies just in time to find Bob, return to Mainframe, and liberate the city from the evil clutches of Megabyte.
The Future
Here the show ends, leaving several plot lines open, such as the infiltration of the Supercomputer by a virus named Daemon. Mainframe Entertainment has announced that it will be releasing two made-for-TV movies in the spring and fall of 2001 that will (hopefully) resolve the cliffhangers and bring the series to a close. I, for one, can hardly wait.


(For more information, go to my soon-to-be-online website, the Reboot BIOS, at

ReBoot and related names and plots are the property of Mainframe Entertainment.

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