Hotdogs, as some less intelligent life forms might believe, are not made out of dogs and much too often aren't especially hot, either. What they are is a stick-like form of food, mostly consumed by people who like to eat pinkish (or green, if they're old enough) sticks. The question "What's in a hotdog?" is a very interesting topic indeed, and we might never know the real answer. When this question is being directed towards an averege hotdog-stand operator, it will mostly be retorted with a grin and a few meaningful words "I have no idea", or, if you try hard enough, with a "You don't want to know". Basically, it's formed out of several pieces of a thing the used to "Moo", "Grrr", or, strangely enough, "Hey! No! Argh!". In which case, the preferred action to be done is walk hastily towards the nearest gardening shop. However, not only quite delicious (When putting enough colorful sauces* on it"), hotdogs can be quite useful. Indeed, once you look past the white soft "shell" the covers your everyday hotdog, you find an object that can be used as a pet, a nice decoration, or, if used the right way, a melee weapon. Hotdogs are usually eaten in a bun, or on a highly breakable plate, and are found within a radius of 500 yards from a plastic surgery clinic.
*Those colorful sauces include Ketchup, Mustard, and the unidentified substence also known as "Hotdog juice".
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