High School

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American public school system's biggest flaw.

High School is a term used for a collection of three or four (depending on the district's preference) grade levels of education. It consists of grades 9, 10, 11, and 12.

While it seems like a perfectly normal grouping of classes and schools, High School is farther from normal then a Richard Simmons Exercise Marathon played back on one's VCR on frame forward to get Betelgeuse VI's Garglesnarfles in the mood for reproduction.

What makes High School so bizarre is the combination of everything going wrong. There are the moody teenage students who want to make love one moment, then kill themselves the next. Secondly, you've got the teachers who are getting paid less then a temp courtesy telephone wiper and are generally in a bad mood because they can't afford to live anywhere near the poorly funded school built next to the rich students and their families. Then finally you have the bad tasting cafeteria food, which is enough to make the students moodier and the teachers grumpier. All of this makes for the atmosphere that is High School.

However, that's leaving out one integral factor: homework. Homework is assigned to the students and corrected by the teachers with the purpose of teaching the day's lessons more fully to the students. But what really ends up happening is the students despise it and only do it because they have to, thus not learning anything, and not doing it well. Then the teachers have to correct it, forcing them to stay up late all night to correct the incorrect homework. As a result, the students become even moodier, and the teachers become grumpier still.

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