Being a Loser Isn't Easy
Created | Updated Jan 31, 2016
Some are born losers, others become losers, and others have it thrusted upon them.
Being a Loser
Being a loser means you are probably unpopular. Never being invited. Always having someone else better than you, who achieves things before you have a chance to. Being left out. Never being first. Never winning.
Being a loser is a way of life. It's a lifestyle. Or, it's a lable branded on you. It can be the way you prefer to live that doesn't appeal to others, or it can be the way you are forced to live, either by others or your own bad luck.
Being a loser can be a self-inflicted thing. You may keep yourself from doing things or injoying life. Being too shy or nevous can be the reason for that. You may keep others from being around you. This could also be from being shy, but could also be from having a bad attitude or being rude.
Sometime you may think you are a loser but actually are not. If you make a few mistakes you should move on and learn from them. If others think you are a loser and don't like you for who you are, forget them and do what makes you happy.