Pastiche of All I've Known

1 Conversation

"We could live forever tonight" (Beach Boys)
all again I discovered, uncovered, you taught me to listen to your heart, beat, you said "hold it up, to the sun, to the mirror, to the light"
were like looking into your eyes
fathoms unfathomable, I want to take your measure, not laid out like a corpse,
but hopping over the copse,
you don't know, I said laughing,
not how much you mean to me but what;
not measurable, weighing, swaying in the balance,
you taught me to kiss like this, take my time
take all the time I need,
I need,
a whole day
to watch you, to taste you, tease
command you,
push and push
your diffidence
your cool indifference
but having drunk you once in my mind,
couldn't drink deep at any other well,
well, well,
sat by the stone, panting,
at town centre, I don't care, they saw me lingering there way past noontime
by the pump, under the blazing sky, my blood running hot,
my mind cool,
like the little mask on a hunting falcon,
sitting on your hand, blind, sensing a friend,
who wants me to want what I want; ah, happy coincidence,
to be asked to be asked, and told,
do what you do best,
and I will be well satisfied,
so lift the hood,
and let me melt away into the sky
to hunt my benefactor....

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