Towel, a definitive guide
Created | Updated Mar 25, 2005
A towel is a rectangular sheet of cloth most commonly used for drying oneself off with. Seeing as most people don't enjoy being common, there is a massive amount of uncommon things that the towel is extremely helpful with.
Towel Specifics:
A good towel to keep around with you (discussed below) should as be big and absorbent to the owners liking, though the bigger and more absorbent is usually more helpful, usually anyway. The technical kind of towel it is doesn't matter as long as it suits the owner. It may be beneficial to have a soft fabric towel as some of the uses involve comfort (discussed even further below), I suggest cotton.
Keeping a towel with you:
Now the amazing usefulness of towels doesn’t come into effect if you don't bring it with you at all, or at least most, of the time. Keeping a towel with you may bring criticism in casual places (ignore them), but in an actual hitchhiking or similar situation people may assume that you came with more than just a towel and are in need of other bathroom supplies, which can come in handy. If you have a shoulder bag it is easy to drape over it and carry as part of the bag, with backpack or shoulder mounted pack they are usually easy to fit inside or roll up and store somewhere, the towel also fits neatly around shoulders, around the waist or as a turban (below) on the head.
Towel Uses:
The towel can be used for a surprising amount of things, below are some examples of the amazing resilience of towels to any situation.
-Wear It
The towel can be worn as a kind of pants/skirt item, turban, or a kind of shirt when wrapped around the body or draped over the shoulders. This comes in handy when clean clothes are hard to come across.<BR/>
-Carry things in it
Towels make excellent transport devices for objects, just wrap it around things and carry them around in ease. If you have a stick you can fashion a bindle, the kind that hobo's used in cartoons and possibly in some point in the past.
-Sleep under/over it
Use the towel as a blanket/bed/pillow in a sleepy situation
Place rock or similar hard blunt object in towel and use as either a club or a sling if you have the talent for that. It can also be used to disarm an opponent with a knife.
-Sitting on
Makes the ground considerably less ground-like and more soft towel-like
-Drying off with
Uh, you already get that one I hope.
-Medical relief
The towel can be used to tie up a wound, take on cold water for a burn or sore area, and can be used clean infected areas.
-Weather protector
The towel protects against rain, sand, and a bit of cold when in bad weather. Not particularly effective against cold unless big enough.
Good for hitchhiking or other situation where you need somebody to see you.
There are many, many more uses but most of them are very specific to the situation and you'll know what to reach for when they come.
Making a Turban with a Towel