About Me (Not that I imagine that anyone would really care...)

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My name is Yossi. Age: aproximatly 17.55 years. My height is somewhere between 5.75 and 6 feet, I'm not exactly sure. My hair color is brown and my eye color fluctuates between Green and Hasel depending on God knows what.

I'm a Modern Orthodox Observant Jew, and due to my upbringing am prejudaced against pretty much everyone else (or maybe just plain everyone, since I've got my share of problems with the various Modern Othodox communities that I've encountered as well). Luckely, since the excluded groups comprise about 99.99% (okay, that's a wild guess) of the Human race, I've been aware of these prejudaces for some years, and have been working to overcome them; hopefully I'll have done the job fully by the time I get through college.

My interests extend to media science fiction (Star Trek, Babylon 5, H2G2, etc.) and fantasy (Star Wars, Xanth, etc.), but I'm also starting to delve into the classics: right now I'm reading Robet Heinlen's novel Stranger in a Strange Land. Oh, and I love computers: tweaking with them, playing games on them (but adventures and roll-playing, not boring shooters or strategys), and generally fooling around with them. I plan on majoring in Computer Science and becoming a game designer.

I hate cheese, sports, and business. And New York accents, but it depends who's speaking. Just don't pronounce "drawer" as "draw" and don't leave out other 'R' sounds and you'll be fine with me. :-)

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