Living in Cyprus - a few pointers!

2 Conversations


If you are just travelling through there are many cheap holiday apartments for rent just about everywhere, per night/week/month. For longer stays, do a good bit of investigating otherwise you will pay through the nose for a squalid shack.

Lots of lovely hotels, a couple of hostels, and in the summer you can sleep just about anywhere as long as you have ingested enough sambucca / brandy/ jaegermeister.


Very good, unless you are a vegetarian. That is a joke really. Just don't mistake souvlaki on a menu for something that had leaves. The food here is simple but superb.


Yes, lots of it, goes particularly well with the food. See Above.


Now in Euro's, exchange rates are pants at present against sterling, just don't overspend, and live on rice and onions.

Rice and onions

Good staple diet if money is a problem.


Shank's pony is always available, buses on main routes from villages and towns. Plenty of Taxi's. Beware of taxi's in main tourist area's. If unaware of the dangers, you could end up emptying your bank account so you can leave the knocking shop you never wanted to go to in the first place in one piece and unbruised.


Theres absolutely loads of it.


Plenty of them too.

Places to go

Paphos, Limassol, Nicosia, Kyrenia, Famagusta, Polis.... Lots of places.

Getting there

Cyprus is in the Eastern Med. If you have gone to far, you're in Beirut.

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