
3 Conversations

This was probably an invention from the Nedrinios of the Infotanius galaxy who where quite annoyed at their overly stupid Captilmos who would ask their name and an 8 random alpha-numerical characters to let them smell the bread they sold in their shops. Ofcourse the Captilmos thought it was a great idea to keep track of Nedrinios who came to smell their bread because they knew they wouldn't buy their smelly breads anyway, but could sell the names of the Nedrinos to Spaminos who require them to send them advertisements of colored pills which seemed to solve the ever diminishing population on the Infotanius galaxy. Ofcourse the problem with the stupid business was the 8 randam alpha-numerical character which no Nedrinios thought worthwhile to remember and he would give a bogus name everyday to the Captilmos in the hope the bread smelt better that day. But then Captilmos decided to make matters more difficult by setting up a new rule that for new name, a Nedrinio had to go round his shop at a speed of 3c, three times and then smell the bread. Since that required a Nedrinios who are btw extremely fast, require 1 light year and then 1 sec to smell the bread they came up with a unique idea. They will all use one single name and 8 alpha-numerical character as told to them by www.bugmenot.com like the way I did to add this entry.

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Infinite Improbability Drive

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