d.i.y.ers hat trick (hat plug)

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Dumb ol' drywall finisher trick for repair of small to medium holes in gypsum board (plaster board [actually a different material altogether], sheetrock (USG copyrighted brand name), or drywall) that is much easier than you saw on that 'you fix it' show.

A hat plug is a quick and easy method of repair in gypsum board (hereinafter 'gb') used to by drywall finishers (slickticians) to repair holes smaller than the spacing between framing members (studs). i.e. fist size, door knob (lever handle) size, enthusiasticcally wielded hammer size, brick size, shovel head size, flying frying pan size, (oh, you get the picture) etc.

You'll need a utility knife, a pan and broadknives, ready mixed joint compound, and a piece of gb about 2" larger (vertically and horizontally) than the existing opening.(I know, the piece you got is much larger than that. It's O.K. You'll need it.) That's it.

First, resist the temptation to clock the party responsible for the hole. Encourage them to watch what you are doing so they will be able to address any other holes that may result from any future ill considered actions. (Besides, any clocking could lead to more work in the long run. [See flying frying pans.])

Next, use the utility knife to square up the hole, making it nice and neat. Do not use the utility knife on the hole maker as an educational aid. It is not really necessary to measure and plumb and level the opening, just nice and neat with opposing sides relatively perpendicular to each other. Good job! (positive re-enforcement)

Now with the back side of your new piece of gb towards you, center your new piece of gb to the side of the nice and neat opening (it's no longer a hole) and make marks on it juuust a bit smaller than the opening. Maintaining the same orientation of your new gb move it to the top or bottom of the nice and neat opening (your choice, depends on whether you are an optimist or a pessimist). Again, make marks on the new gb juuuust a bit smaller than the nice and neat opening. Continue the marks you've made to the other end of the new piece of gb. There, don't you feel better all ready?

This step may take a little practice, but that's O.K. because the piece of gb you got is surely (who you callin' Shirley?) larger than you need at this time. Using moderate pressure and your utility knife (not an educational aid) to score the paper and core (white stuff in the middle) along the lines you have made. Try not to cut yourself. Do it again. Apply pressure towards the front (the side with the nice paper) until the gb snaps along the scoring. Do this to all four sides. Geenntly, peel these pieces away from the face paper until you have removed them all. If you had any boo-boos just try it again. You'll get it.

Hold the piece you now have away from your body at eye level with the face (nice) paper down. Look at it. See it looks kinda like a hat.

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