Central Massachusettes, USA.

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Though the days of true hitchhiking are dissapearing quickly in this different world of ours, there is still a need for travel information. Read the following if you are such a traveler in Central Massachusettes:

The geographical center of Massachusettes is located in the center of the town of Rutland, a small suburb of the city of Worcester. The actuall center is marked by a tree, (incidentally giving the local middle school it's name, Central Tree Middle School). South of Rutland is the town of Holden, which is more populated, and then you come to the city of Worcester. North of Rutland is Hubbardston, a country like town. Southwest of Rutland is Paxton, and Southeast are Princeton and Sterling.


Rutland is a town that was once small, but now is growing. It's town center, on route 122A, has a middle school, a fire and police department, and a new library being constructed this year (2000). Local resturaunts include Rutland Pizza (highly recommended), and Toula's diner (open into early afternoon hours-). This diner is a very popular place in town that is visited by passing school children, by town workers who need to take a lunch break, and by whoever else is passing. From hamburgers and hot dogs to home style pies, Toula's Diner offers that "home-cooked" taste any hitchhiker likes.


Holden is a lot more populated, and is home to the local district highschool, Wachusette Regional High. Holden, Paxton, Princeton, Rutland, and Sterling attend as of this year. In Holden is a wide selection of resturaunts, including Val's off of route 31 near the local grocery store, (the Big-Y). Val's is a family resturaunt with down to earth prices, but out of this world food. If you come here, expect to eat a meal, though, and not just some snack. Major stores can be found on Main St., and also on route 31 heading west, right near the grocery store. At the plaza near this area is a video rental store, a musical instrument shop, a dry-cleaners, a pizza shop, and a CVS. Holden is also home to a well used bandstand just south of the center of town where local bands play on Sunday nights. Holden houses several middle schools as well, including Mountview Middle.


Heading farther away east from the center are the more cut-off towns of Princeton and Sterling. The center's of both these towns are on route 62. These aren't heavily populated, and have few attractions in comparison to the city of Worcester. Schools in Princeton are Thomas Prince Middle School, and in Sterling is Chaucksette Middle School.


The center of Paxton is on route 31, southwest of Holden. Paxton is home to not only Paxton Center School, but also to Anna Maria College. A local recommended resturaunt is Stagecoach Crossing. This town, like Sterling and Princeton and Rutland, is not a majorly active town, whereas Holden is almost literally an extension of Worcester.


Worcester city is a very diverse city. In fact, the city has so much to offer that the reader is here directed to Worcesters web site, E-Worcester Here you will find local news, dining guides, and entertainment guides. Recommendations for dining, however, go to The Barbers Crossing, a fantastic family resturaunt, (from Lobster to Ribs!). Shopping recommendations go to Greendale Mall, and not to Worcester Common Fashion Outlets. Greendale houses a Best Buy store, where you can by music and entertainment products at very low prices (i.e., A CD for 8 American dollars). Though Greendale mall is smaller, it is located in a better part of town. Further usefull information is found on the above link.

Cool Places to Visit in the Area:

Some of the best places in Central Mass depend on what you want to do. If you want to see a loud concert, then go see what is at the Centrum Center for any bands on tour. However, if your ears can't take the noise, the enjoy fishing at Trout Brook in east Holden. For a bit of neat history, you can tour the old prison camps in North Rutland. If, however, you just plan on sitting around doing nothing, then it is your loss, because Central Mass is a truely fun place to go.


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