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Libraries, the plural form of the noun 'Library', are quiet places, full of books that the public have access to... traditionally, now-a-days, they also have computers and stuff. They often keep stack sof old, local newspapers aswell.

To borrow a book from most libraries you need a 'Library-Card', so they can track you down and deal with you, should you fail to return the book you borrowed wthin the alotted time.

While in a library, try to keep your voice down. Unless, of course, the noise level is already at a level such that you MUST increase you voice-level to communicate with those around you. Do NOT use a library to 'fraternise with the opposite sex' instead of reading, that WILL get you thrown-out and the bean-bags taken away. Which is a bad thing. You should use libraries to read, pretend to read or intend to read.

It's all about the books.

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