The Assassination Game

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After the massacre of the Elite Black Panthers at the place now know as Panther Falls, Dr Anthea decided that all new recruits must undergo extensive and rigorous training to ensure the past wouldn’t repeat itself, and Khamsin demanded that everyone could survive not just in the wild but also on missions, they had to be able to do this on their own.

The Games were developed and designed to increase an assassin’s skills in survival, hunting, stealth and almost all forms of combat. There is a minimum level that all must acquire before their skills are developed in there specialised area.

The Assassination Game is treated in all seriousness, as it could mean life or death for an Assassin, and as sometimes the game can be a proper mission. Trainees are sometimes sent on the easiest of missions that aren’t worth the time of a fully trained assassin.

Just before the recruit leave for a game, they will see either a trainer or an officer of the Guild. There he/she will be given their assignment and the equipment the Guild deems necessary.

Beware there isn’t often chance to re-supply in the wild, so use your equipment carefully.

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