Sherbet (or Sherbert?)

1 Conversation

Sherbert is god's gift to humans (as well as one of those words that no-one is sure how it's spelt... sherbet/sherbert? I will be switching between the two) and the only white powder you ever need (aside from perhaps talcum powder). It is much cheaper than hallucinogenics and other such drugs yet seems to have the exact same effect when consumed in any sizable quantity. It is the secret that children do not tell adults. In that respect kind of the anti santa claus... Anyway it is possible to snort sherbert, but highly unrecommended. Aside from being quite painful it can cause frothing of the nose which is a highly undesirable thing. However it is the quickest way to get to that Sherbet high. But remember to do so at your own risk. Injecting Sherbert would probably also be effective by why bothered because you wouldn't be able to taste it. Sherbet is of course not a type of ice creamy sorbet shenanigan as many Americans seem to believe. It is also quite easy to make... Take four table spoons of ice sugar, one tea spoon (that's tea spoon other wise many frothing mouthed rabies-esque mishaps could follow) of bicarbonate of soda and half a tea spoon of citric acid. Mix it evenly and there you have it, Sherbert. Anyway is you want to annoy someone who likes sherbet just use that other useful white powder, talcum powder, and lace their sherbert with it. How you will laugh as they vomit!

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