Normal People

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People often talk about normal people. Who look 'normal', who act 'normal' and generally do 'normal' things, So we can draw up if you like a picture of our normal person. Firstly we are approached with the problem of sex. There are slightly more females than males so should we make our normal person female or of indeterminate sex (like an eighties popstar)? Well the answer seems to be simple, we define a normal woman and normal man. They would have normal averaged out ages and be totally representive of a human.

"Ahhh but" you say "something representive of something ins't that something are they?" Which is a good point. Since there would be no one in the world anything like this man or this woman. So, then it would be fair to say that our normal people would be weird.

This makes things very confusing since if normal is weird then weird conversely is normal. If your brain hurts like mine then maybe you'll agree that perhaps the best idea would be to just stop this silly thing now and scrap the terms.

Which would make this redundant too. Damn.

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